Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Beginning of the Adventure

          I was recently plopped down into a new teaching job. The only experience I had was student teaching, and about a year of substitute teaching throughout the city. So this was definitely a "culture shock" for me.
          It was about two weeks into the school year and I was settled into a kindergarten para-educator job that lasted for about one more week. Out of the blue, another school called me on a Sunday evening and asked if I could start a Title I Reading position that would last until December break, and possibly the rest of the school year. My first thought was "Hell yeah! A long-term position!" But then the anxiety started to sink in; I will have a real job with real responsibilities! I don't know any thing about Title I! Would if another job comes up and I don't have the guts to quite?!.... 
          Luckily I had about an hour to really weigh the pros and cons before my casual interview at the nearest Starbucks. In the end, the pros outweighed the cons. This was not my dream job, but I like to think of it as a stepping stone towards my dream job. It has provided me with a wealth of experience, professional contacts, and new knowledge. 
          The first few days on the job were a bit of a whirl-wind, I felt like I was constantly treading water, and I only had my head above the water a few times. I do have to admit that I was not very content at the end of my day, but as time went on I was able to get into some what of a routine. I was able to enjoy my job and feel more comfortable in what I was doing. 
           I have been at this job for about 1 month today. I feel very confident with what I am doing. I have a skeleton of a routine which is getting more and more meat on it at time goes on.
          I am having a blast with my kids. I work with first, second, third, and fourth graders. For those of you not familiar with Title I, it is a program implemented at schools with a high percentage of low-income students. This program provides reading enrichment for students who need it, not necessarily low income students. 
          As with every job, there are colleagues you mesh with and colleagues that you seem to clash with; I am experiencing both. I remind myself that each day, and each experience is just more knowledge and experience that I can put under my belt and use to help me in the future. 
          Stay tuned for posts about activities I have discovered/created, mistakes I have learned from, and accomplishments I have made while I continue this new job experience.

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